Middlebury College in Vermont is ranked among the 10 Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the U.S.
Applying to college is a journey that involves finding the right school, submitting applications and then – if you're lucky – choosing among the acceptance letters and financial aid awards to find that place you'll call home for the next few years.
To steer you in the right direction, U.S. News surveys colleges and universities each year and ranks nearly 1,400 of them in different categories according to our methodology.
Here, we offer a sneak peek of the 2014 Best Colleges rankings.
These schools – listed alphabetically below – are the top 10 schools in the National Liberal Arts Colleges category. Liberal Arts Colleges emphasize undergraduate education, awarding at least 50 percent of their degrees in the arts and sciences.(Note: Due to ties, there are more than 10 schools listed here.)
The actual Best National Liberal Arts Colleges rankings of these and other schools will be available Sept. 10, 2013, on usnews.com.
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